Mono Argentus (Monodactylus argenteus)
The shape of the mono is diamond in shape with large dorsal fin and pelvic fin, and a tail. From the Dorsal fin down the top of the fish to the base of the tail is yellow in color. The majority of the body is shinny silver in color. On the head of the fish is a large black line over their large eyes and another large black line from the head to the bottom of the fish.
Natural Ecology:
As juveniles they can live in freshwater and as they get older, grow and mature they go to higher and higher salinity, which are usually estuaries, lagoons and brackish water environments. They prefer gentle water movements with lots of vegetation, and rocky crevices with lots of hiding spots.
Indigenous To:
Found from the coastal and inland waters of Africa and Asia
Considered to be reef-safe and none threatening to corals or other sessile invertebrates. When they are juveniles they are around 2-3 inches and as adults they have been found to up to 10 inches or more in captivity. They live in shallow coastal waters, and often live near mangroves and rocky shorelines.
They are very compatible and like to be solitary or form schools
Proaquatix specimens have been weaned to take aquarium pellets and flakes. Freshly frozen invertebrates such as ocean plankton, Mysis shrimp, brine shrimp, and chopped squid will be readily accepted.